Discover how to master complex terrain challenges with Terabase PlantPredict’s revolutionary new grading analysis feature. Learn how to create precise terrain-following tracker profiles using your custom topography data and array layouts.
Join us as we welcome our guest Andrew Dobbins, Energy Project Manager at KW Renewable Engineering, who will demonstrate how this powerful tool has streamlined their site design workflow and helped their client de-risk projects earlier and faster.
You will learn:
- How to perform earthwork analyses with your own topographic data and array layout using PlantPredict’s Terrain Pro.
- The difference between compatible CAD tools and format.
- How to run earthwork analyses with array layouts from your tracker supplier.
- How civil engineers are using these tools to de-risk projects.
- How you can get started immediately.
- Thang Le P.E., VP PlantPredict, Terabase Energy
- Dillon Morra P.E., Senior Civil Engineer, Terabase Energy
- Andrew Dobbins P.E., Energy Project Manager, KW Renewable Engineering
- November 20, 2024